Click it or ticket this Easter weekend

(Newswatch Group/File)

SD&G – While seat belt-related deaths have hit a 10 year low in Ontario, provincial police are not resting on their laurels.

The O.P.P. will be conducting province-wide, education and targeted enforcement of drivers who refuse to buckle up.

“We are proud to see Ontarians come such a long way with seat belt safety over the past ten years. In spite of the steady progress, we need all road users to start recognizing the significant role a seat belt plays in increasing one’s chances of surviving a road crash and reducing the severity of injuries,” says O.P.P. Chief Superintendent Chuck Cox.

O.P.P. stats show 120 people were killed in traffic wrecks in 2005 who were not wearing a seat belt – that number has shrunk to 50 last year (2014).

Coincidentally, the Cornwall Community Police Service traffic department is focusing on seat belt use for the month of April.

Details on charges during its monthly Traffic Action Plan for signs will be released Tuesday.

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