LUNENBURG – A Lunenburg man has pleaded guilty after a possible case of rabies uncovered animal neglect.
George Tessier pleaded guilty last week to permitting an animal to be in distress and failing to provide veterinary care.
Local SPCA inspectors called in the health unit in May 2014 after a possible rabies exposure.
A 12-year-old Yorkie-type dog named “Jazzie” was bitten in the head by another dog while Tessier was taking care of “Jazzie” for his father, who was in the hospital.
Tessier told inspectors, at the time, he did not seek help from a vet.
Four days later “Jazzie” started drooling and frothing at the mouth and died.
It turns out the dog did not have rabies but a medical examiner uncovered a host of other medical issues including a broken and misaligned jaw, skull fractures and crushing wounds.
A court fined Tessier $1,000 for his neglect.
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