CORNWALL/SD&G – Preparations are underway for the 40th anniversary of the United Counties Science Fair.
Organizers are holding an information day Sat (Jan. 31) at Cornwall Square from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. where students in SD&G from Grades 1-12 can find out more about the fair.
A poster contest is being held for Grades 1-5 and actual science projects will be entered by students from Grades 6-12.
At the fair on April 11, 2015, “Science on the Wall” poster contestants are eligible for prizes while science fair participants could win prizes, scholarship and a chance to represent SD&G at the Canada Wide Science Fair in Fredericton, New Brunswick May 9-16, 2015.
The non-profit charity science fair is run by a group of teachers and parents with a goal of encouraging students to explore fields in science.
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