SLC paramedic students part of doctor training

Paramedics work with emergency doctors as part of a training day on Dec. 11, 2014 in Kingston, Ont. (Photo/St. Lawrence College)

KINGSTON – Members of St. Lawrence College’s second year paramedic program in Cornwall were part of an emergency training day.

They were assisting in the training of new emergency doctors, putting them through real-life scenarios such as accidents with multiple victims.

The exercise was also to give doctors an understanding of what EMS workers go through on a daily basis.

“Our St. Lawrence College paramedic students acted as patients for these scenarios, to ensure that the physicians and paramedic crews had real patients to deal with during this training event, and to supply feedback to them as to how the treatment was,” said paramedic program coordinator Daniel Shannon.

This event was sponsored by the RPPEO (Regional Paramedic Program for Eastern Ontario) and other EMS services across Eastern Ontario also took part.

The drill was carried out Dec. 11 in Kingston.

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