Coun. Frost donates salary to Hospice Cornwall, CAS

Cornwall Coun. Brock Frost has put the wheels in motion to donate his salary to two organizations. A formal presentation was held at Hospice Cornwall on Jan. 6, 2015. Pictured, from left, Hospice Volunteer Programs Coordinator Allison Hudson, Hospice Manager Jason Samson, Cornwall Coun. Brock Frost and Hospice Fundraising Coordinator Sandy Collette. The Children's Aid Society of SD&G will receive the other half of Frost's city salary. Click to enlarge photo. (Cornwall Newswatch/Bill Kingston)

CORNWALL – Following through on a campaign promise, Coun. Brock Frost visited Cornwall Hospice Tuesday afternoon to donate half his council salary to the facility.

The 10 bed end-of-life care building on Second Street West will receive $6,500.

The other half of Frost’s city salary – which is approximately $13,000 a year – will go to The Children’s Aid Society of SD&G.

Fundraising Coordinator Sandy Collette is extremely grateful for the donation.

“It’s $6,500 less that we have to go out there and pound the pavements for. Annually, we have to raise close to $600,000 in order to operate hospice. We receive a little over 50 per cent (funding) from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care. It’s really important these larger donations as well as third-party events that we have,” said Collette.

Coun. Frost met with Collette to iron out the details of his donation before a formal cheque presentation.

Collette also put out an appeal for help at Hospice Cornwall. Anyone who can help is urged to email her at or phone 613-932-3451.

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