Cornwall Coun. Mark A. MacDonald released the following statement on his position about the rink on Monaco Crescent following the release from the City of Cornwall on its position:
My understanding is that our by-law officers have the authority to use discretion when it comes to enforcement. They should use their discretionary authority and they can choose not to enforce this particular by-law, until next year.
I think that this is the course of action that we should take. I’ve had the opportunity to speak to Laura Vincent and she claims that if they are forced to take down the boards, the kids will lose their rink. She would like to see the boards stay. They will NOT put the rink up next year.
This is a time for discretion and this is my opinion on how to proceed. The city does not enforce every by-law all of the time. I respectfully disagree with the approach the city is taking on this issue.
Based on the following reasons, I think that we should use discretionary authority on enforcement and allow the rink to stay for the remainder of the hockey season. If they lose the boards, the kids lose their rink.
#1 — This is a heavy handed approach to this situation.
#2 — The city does not always enforce every by-law.
#3 — The Vincent family is aware and will NOT put the boards up next year.
#4 — There is a time for discretion and this is it.
#6 — This is a time for cooperation, for the sake of the kids.
Mark A. MacDonald
Councillor, City of Cornwall
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